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Common Sense Cooking and Eating Skills
for Permanent Weight Management

About Heart A'Peel
Heart A'Peel offers a variety of learning options for healthy living and permanent weight management. Simple, easy-to-learn cooking strategies and techniques, and basic food management skills can help you lose weight without depriving yourself. You can enjoy your favorite foods--bread, pasta, rice, meat, seafood, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and desserts--while waving goodbye to fad diets!

Lori with a selection of healthy foods Heart A'Peel Wellness Consultant Lori Thibideau has been teaching the secrets of healthy living for more than 20 years. After struggling with her weight from age 10, she finally decided to get off the diet rollercoaster. She stopped dieting and learned to eat three balanced meals a day plus snacks when hungry. With 40 excess pounds permanently gone, her weight is no longer the focus of her life.

With a background in Human Behavior, Counseling, and Nutrition, Lori now finds joy in helping other people make the simple lifestyle changes that result in long-term weight loss and a healthier approach to daily living.

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Heart A'Peel Cookbook

Good News!! The COOKBOOK is available! Call or E-mail to order a copy. Cost: $12.78 including tax + $1.50 postage. E-mail for details.

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Heart A'Peel Tips of the Week

NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST. Instead, get that metabolism busy burning calories early in the day by EATING. A healthy breakfast should consist of 3 things: a whole grain item with at least 3 gr. of fiber, a fruit and a bit of protein. Examples for an easy breakfast meal:

1 slice of whole grain toast, 1 Tbls. peanut butter and an orange or: Whole grain cereal, milk or soy or almond milk, 1/4 C. raisins or: 1 whole grain bagel, 1 egg cooked without fat, 2 Tbls. all fruit jam or: a bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon and raisins, a banana and milk.

About 2 hours after eating a healthy breakfast, you will feel hungry! FANTASTIC! That is normal and says that your body is busy burning fat and calories. You need a snack which should consist of fruit, vegetables or a piece of whole grain bread. NEVER SUGAR OR WHITE FLOUR ITEMS, i.e. pretzels or a donut because the more you eat, the more you want!

It takes a while to build good eating habits so in the beginning, concentrate on eating a small healthy breakfast EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT HUNGRY IN THE MORNING. (Many people ask me that question.) Your body will quickly respond to the nutrition it is receiving and you will naturally begin losing weight!

A mixed green salad should be a part of your day EVERY DAY!

Heart A'Peel Recipe of the Week
Fantastic Spaghetti Sauce is a simple recipe to make in one dish AND in the microwave. It can be used in so many ways - spaghetti sauce over pasta, in stuffed pasta shells, on brown rice or noodles, on top of a baked potato, quick lasagna etc. It also freezes very well. HINT: Make a batch, divide it into 4 plastic containers and freeze it. You will have a meal in a minute ready at your finger tips via the microwave. It's not only easy - it's incredibly delicious! Serve it with a crisp green salad with lowfat dressing and fruit for dessert. NOTE: Remember that it's served with pasta or rice, so if you're trying to lose a few pounds, don't overdo the carbohydrates by having bread with your meal! Have more salad to fill up instead.

Heart A'Peel Recommended Reading

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